miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


There are different reasons why a person wants to leave his country, those are going to be study in this chapter.
Migrant labor or economic migration involves moving from one country to another for employment reasons, migrant workers are used extensively for crop harvesting.
Other reasons to leave a country can be any of the needs seen in the Maslow’s pyramid (Self-actualization, esteem needs, social needs, safety needs, physiological needs).
Expatriate means to exile oneself from ones native country, to go into exile or it also means depriving oneself of citizenship.  Expatriates undergo a socialization and acculturation process that affects their career identities. The expatriate assignment requires cycles of reskilling for the expatriate to make the necessary adjustments to the host country.
Integration requires adaptation in the part of newcomers but also by the host society.
The creative class is a class of workers that are dedicated to create meaningful new forms. Employers see creativity as a way of self expressing and job satisfaction in their employees.
Some of the tasks of a newcomer are:
  • ·         Negotiate an effective psychological contract.
  • ·         Manage the stress of socialization.
  • ·         Ease the transition through individual and organizational actions.
International managers must create a mentoring network and be always open to learning.
To manage expatriate assignment it is important to understand that success of personnel depends largely on their preparedness through training and that it is important to recognize them for their work and potential for making contributions to the company now and in the future.

• Buckley C. and Wills K. (2011) China's Wen puts social stability at heart of economy.
Retrieved from March 20, 2011, from Reuters:
• Expatriate. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 11, 2011, from
Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/expatriate
• Florida, R. (2002) The rise of the creative class. The Washington Monthly, 34(5), 15.
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/213679959?accountid=45662
• Institute for Public Policy Research (2004) Labour migration to the UK: an ippr
• Kram, K.E. (1985) Mentoring At Work, Scott, Foresman: Glenview.
• Mezias, J.M and Scandura, T.A. (2005) A Needs-Driven Approach to Expatriate
Adjustment and Career Development: A Multiple Mentoring Perspective, Journal of
International Business Studies, Vol. 36, No. 5 (Sep.), pp. 519-538
• Scandura, T.A. and Von Glinow, M.A. (1997) 'Development of the international
manager: the role of mentoring', Business and the ContemporaryWorld9 : 95-115.

1st Image retrieved from http://worldnewscentral.yolasite.com/blog/category/*
2nd Image retrieved from http://www.simplyhrjobs.co.uk/blog/category/topics/diversity-jobs/

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